ok2..rmi org ckp sllunye org yg lahir tarikh sekian2, prgai die pon sekian2..hurmmm....byk kajian tlah dbwat mngenai hal nie...so, aku pon bwat sket research..sbnrnye ilmu firasat nie dh lme ade sjak dr zaman Imam Syafie..mgikut sjrah, bliau mrupakan antra ahli firasat yg hebat!!!hurm..so, dr yg aku jmpe..nie ade laa sdkit kajian psikologi personality mgikut waktu lahir msing2.....scroll ke bwah n banding2knlah dgn diri sdr..sbb mnde nie pon kite x pasti sjauh mne btulnye kn???hehehe njoy!!!
18 DISember - 23 JANuari
cita2 tggi, siyes, suka mdidik n dididik, mudah mlihat klemahan org n suke mgkritik, rajin, kemas n teratur, sensitif, pndi mgmbil hati org, pmalu, dya tumpuan tggi, bdsiplin, romantik tp x tnjuk (sweet sgt!!!hahah), syg kanak2, suke duk rmah, setia, PERLU blaja kmahiran sosial, cemburu...
18 JANuari - 23 FEBruari
bfikiran abstrak, bijak, psonaliti mdah berubah, pndiam, pmalu, rndah diri, jujur n stia, kras hati, x ske dkongkong, ske smthg lasak, sensitif, mdh marah n cpt tnjuk kmarahan, x ske smthng yg remeh, ske bkawan tp x tnjuk sfat mreka ske bkawan, brani, cta2 tggi, suke BERANGAN, pmrhatian tajam, suke hiburan n sukan, art lover, ROMANTIK, pcye mnde2 tahyul, BOROS....
18 FEBruari - 23 MAc
psonaliti mnarik, mudh didmpingi, pmalu, pmndam rasa, jujur, PEMURAH, mudah smpati, sgt sensitif dgn pkatan yg org ckp, peka dgn keadaan skeliling, x cpt mrah, amanah, tahu mmbalas budi, pmrhatian n pnilaian yg tajam, suke BERANGAN, suke mlancong, MANJA n suke prhatian, suke hiasan rmah, mostly berbakat dlm muzik..
18 MAc - 23 APRil
sgt aktif n dinamik, cpt bwat kputusan tapi cpt mnyesal, pndi mnjakan diri, ingatan n instinct yg kuat, pndi mmjuk, suke bkwan n pndi slesaikn probs org, sgt brani, suke ADVANTURE, pengasih, sopan santun, pemurah, emosi cpt terusik (cpat tacink), agresif, pndi mndorong diri n motivate org len, TERLALU cemburu...
18 APRil - 23 MEi
kras hati n degil, kuat smangat, motivasi tggi, pmikiran tajam, mudah MARAH, pndi mgambil hati org, ttp pendirian tp mdh dpgaruhi org len, mudh dipujuk, instinct yg kuat, mmhami ape yg tlintas di hati org len tnpe dbritaw (wow, psychic!!)..full of imagination, pndi berDEBAT, suke sastera, suke muzik, suke mlncong, x brape suke duk rumah, x boley duk diam, rajin, smangat tggi, agak boros....
18 MEi - 23 JUn
bfikiran jauh, bwawasan, mudh dtawan krn sikap baik, lmah lembut, mdah berubah sikap, idea n mood...idea byk, sensitif, stiase bfikir, suke btangguh, tlalu mmlih, mahukan yg terbaik, cpat mrah cpat sejuk, ske bcakap n bdebat, suke bwat lawak,bergurau..cerdas, BERANGAN, mudah n pndi pilih kawan, pndi tnjuk sikap, mudah kecik ati, suke berkemas, cpat bosan, crewet, kurg mmpamerkan prasaan, kalu hati tluke ssh nk ilang, suke BARANG BRANDED...
18 JUn - 23 JULai
sronok lepak dgn die nie, brahsia n sush nk paham terutama llaki, pendiam, pntgkan maruah, x suke mnyusahkn org lain tp x mrh bile dsusahkn, mdah dpujuk, sgt mnjaga hati org len, sgt PERAMAH, mudah terluka, jiwa sentimental, mudah memaafkn tp ssh nk lupekn, x suke mnde2 yg remeh, peka, penyayang, simpati, pmrhatian tajam, suke mnilai dgn pmrhatian, mudh n suke bljar, suke muhasabah diri, suka mgenangkan pristiwa or kwan lama, suke mndiamkn diri, suke duk rmah, suke tggu kwan tp x ske cri kwan, x agresif kcuali tpkse, mintak dsyangi, mdh tluka hati n lmbt pulih, tlalu mgambil brat, rajin bwat KERJA...
18 JULai - 23 OGoS
suke mlawak, sopan sntun, ambil berat, x taw takut, tegas, bsikap pemimpin, pndi mmjuk, pemurah,EGO, dhagakan pujian, smgat juang, cpt marah, mudh mgamuk, sgt cmburu, daya pmrhatian tajam, teliti, cpat bfikir, suke memmpin n dipimpin, BERANGAN, mostly berbakat dlm sni lukis, suke hiburan, sgt senstif tp x mdh mrajuk, BELAJAR utk btenang, kelam kabut, ROMANTIK, penyayang, suke mncri kwan...
18 OGoS - 23 SEPtember
sopan santun, tolak ansur, teliti, teratur, mngkritik, pndiam tp pndi bcakap, tenang, baik, mudah simpati, prihatin, terperinci, amanah, setia, jujur, kerja smpurna, sensitif, byk berfikir, penaakulan yg baik, bijak, mdh belajar, suke mncr mklumat, pndi mndorong diri, mdh mmhami org len, instinct kuat, byk smpn rhsia, suke sukan, hiburan, melancong...kurg mnnjukkan prasaan, kalu tluke hati sgt lme dsimpan, TERLALU mmlih psgn, sistematik...
18 SEPtember - 23 OKTober
suke bersembang, sike ambil jln tgah, sopan sntun, x pndi mnipu, bpura-pura, mudh smpati, pntgkan kawan, stiase bkwan, hati mudah trusik tp mrajuk x lama, cp mrh, x mnolong orang kecuali DIMINTA, ske mlihat dr perspektif sdr, x ske trime pndgn org lain, berngan, pndi bercakap, suke mlncong, sastera n seni, penyayang, lmah lmbut, ROMANTIK dlm percintaan, cemburu, ambil berat, suke kegiatan luar, adil, BOROS, mdh tpngaruh dgn keadaan skeliling, mudah patah smgat......
18 OKTober- 23 NOVember
sensitif, cekal, suke mnnjukkan KUASA n lbey dominan slm hbungan sosial, byk idea, bfikiran kehadapan, unik n bijak, byk idea baru, tajam fikiran, instinct yg halus n tggi, cermat n tliti, psonaliti dinamik, berhsia, pndi mncungkil n mncri rhsia, byk bfikir, kurg bckap tp msra, berani, pemurah, setia n sabar, degil, x suke MARAH kecuali digugat, ambil berat, pndi muhasabah n mndorong diri, x hargai pujian, smgat n daya juang tggi, romantik, rajin, kemampuan tggi, amanah jujur setia, cita2 tggi, perangai xdapat DIRAMAL n berubah-ubah......
18 NOVember - 23 DISember
sgt setia n pmurah, PATRIOTIK, aktif dlm pmainan n pgaulan, kurang sabar n tergesa-gesa, bcita-cita tggi, suke mnjdi orang yg BERPENGARUH, suke bgaul, suke dipuji, diberi prhatian n dibelai...jujur, amnah, tolak ansur, xpndi berpura-pura, cpt mrh, prgai berubah-ubah, x EGO wlaupon hrge diri tggi, bnci kongkongan, ske mlawak, n bfikiran LOGIK......
adoi pnat nye aku taip...haaihhh lenguh jari-jemari ini ber-shuffle ats keyboard laptop..hahaha owh lupe nk ckp yg kalu ade trikh lahir korg yg intercept antre 2 date..means btween 24hb-17hb bulan yg bru..korg kne bce dua2 skli pnye psonality..sbb die intercept..huhu
so korg dh tgok psnaliti korg???sme ke x????haha rsenye pcentage die 90% keatas sme...xtaw laa korg cmne...tp kalu yg aku lak mmg 100% sme dlm nie..huhu korg boley laa jgak tgok2 psonalty org len dlm nie..huhu btw, THIS IS JUST FOR FUN..
i leave~
Its where I achieve freedom of writing without anyone concern but without the appearance of me..paham??? xpaham bwat2 paham je la...
hentam n serius kot????(xtaw nak naming title ape..haha)
hello kpade sume..haha sje je nk post psl mnde nie..bukan ape..sllunye kn ble aku ckp ade je nk bgkang..haaiiihhhh korg nie, taw x, sllunye kalu aku ckp 2 blapik2, ko kne laa cr mkne 2 sdr..adoi..berbalik pade post aku sblum2 nie..dh mmg prgai aku nie ske post mnde2 plik sket...so, aku sje laa post kbaikn merokok 2...huhu tp kn tbe2 lak kne hentam..adoi..aku pon kutip kt web mne je...its common sense la..sape kate smoking 2 x bhye kn??????
so, pengajaran kpada sume...better korg knal btol2 org yg tulis pape sttmnt or artikel, br laa nk hentam!!!pas2, cr laa bukti dlu on based ape yg die tulis...cnthnye psl kes Secret Recipe dlu..tbe2 rmi yg post ckp SR haram..tlgla jgn main share je...investigate dlu br pcye ok!!!gune laa akal yg ko ade!!!ckp pasl fkta lak..AKU NIE SLALU POST MNDE YG LAIN DR ORG LAIN POST!!!so jgn laa take it seriously...i post things just for fun! dont take things for granted..ok???kn aku dh ckp aku benci org serius...kalu korg serius je ape jd??????meh aku list:
1- kwn2 pon renggang
2- korg taw cr slh org je jadinye!!!
3- korg akn duduk dlm dunia korg yg pnuh dgn perfection kononnye( tp ape pon tadak!!!!)
4- org akan fed-up dgn ko sbb asyik2 siyes je.
5- ko akn mnjdi boring..(tmsuk lah label thadap ko sdr..yes u r a boring person!!)
n many more..boley pikr sdr kn???haha so, nxt time sblum mrh2 org ke nk kutuk2 org...tgok sume detail dlu ssuai x korg nk hentam beliau!!!ok???gunelaa IQ yg ade 2...n not too serious ok..bak kate Joker dlm BATMAN, "why so serious??"...
i leave~
me refuse~
so, pengajaran kpada sume...better korg knal btol2 org yg tulis pape sttmnt or artikel, br laa nk hentam!!!pas2, cr laa bukti dlu on based ape yg die tulis...cnthnye psl kes Secret Recipe dlu..tbe2 rmi yg post ckp SR haram..tlgla jgn main share je...investigate dlu br pcye ok!!!gune laa akal yg ko ade!!!ckp pasl fkta lak..AKU NIE SLALU POST MNDE YG LAIN DR ORG LAIN POST!!!so jgn laa take it seriously...i post things just for fun! dont take things for granted..ok???kn aku dh ckp aku benci org serius...kalu korg serius je ape jd??????meh aku list:
1- kwn2 pon renggang
2- korg taw cr slh org je jadinye!!!
3- korg akn duduk dlm dunia korg yg pnuh dgn perfection kononnye( tp ape pon tadak!!!!)
4- org akan fed-up dgn ko sbb asyik2 siyes je.
5- ko akn mnjdi boring..(tmsuk lah label thadap ko sdr..yes u r a boring person!!)
n many more..boley pikr sdr kn???haha so, nxt time sblum mrh2 org ke nk kutuk2 org...tgok sume detail dlu ssuai x korg nk hentam beliau!!!ok???gunelaa IQ yg ade 2...n not too serious ok..bak kate Joker dlm BATMAN, "why so serious??"...
i leave~
me refuse~
kawan, fren, teman, sahabat...papelaa pggilannye tp sume org ade kwan kn???.kawan nie pentg dlm hidup kite sbb mcm2 rujukan kite gnekn kwan kn??? Ada kawan yang sanggup berkongsi duka bersama kita dan ada yang sanggup bersusah payah dengan kita. Tetapi ada juga sahabat yang ada ketika senang dan hanya sanggup berkongsi kegembiraan sahaja, dan sebab itu aku katakan sahabat boleh menentukan corak hidup seseorang itu. Jika Sahabat . Kawan . Teman . anda seperti ini hargailah mereka insha Allah merekalah yang terbaik untuk anda.........
1. Jika kita berbakti kepadanya, dia akan melindungi kita
2. Jika kita rapatkan persahabatan dengannya, dia akan membalas balik persahabatan kita
3. Jika kita memerlu pertolongan daripadanya, dia akan membantu kita
4. Jika kita menghulurkan sesuatu kebaikan kepadanya, dia akan menerimanya dengan baik
5. Jika dia mendapat sesuatu kebajikan (bantuan) daripada kamu, dia akan menghargai atau menyebut kebaikan kamu
6. Jika dia melihat sesuatu yang tidak baik daripada kamu, dia akan menutupnya
7. Jika kita meminta bantuan daripadanya, dia akan mengusahakannya
8. Jika kita berdiam diri (kerana malu hendak meminta), dia akan menanyakan kesusahan kamu
9. Jika datang sesuatu bencana menimpa dirimu, dia akan meringankan kesusahan kamu
10. Jika kita merancangkan sesuatu, nescaya dia akan membantu kamu
11. Jika kamu berdua berselisih faham, nescaya dia lebih senang mengalah untuk menjaga kepentingan persahabatan
12. Dia membantumu menunaikan tanggungjawab serta melarang melakukan perkara buruk dan maksiat
13. Dia mendorongmu mencapai kejayaan didunia dan akhirat
hurm...tp sbnrnye aku sdr x pasti aku dh jmpe ke x kwn cmni...mustahil rsenye utk bjmpe kwn2 yg prginye sbegini..yela, aku nie kn jahat..hurmm(emo sket)...hurm...bkn ape..cume aku x pnh jmpe n aku doubt yg wujud kwn yg prginye cmni wlupon aku dh cube jd cm kwn yg ade ciri2 nie, tp ssh kot nk jmpe kwn yg rpt cm fmly..so, ape boley bwat...haaihhh aku dh pnat mncari sbnrnye...sbb ape yg aku dpt dr layann dorg sgt bbeza ape yg ade dlm ciri2 nie...sori laa post kali nie agak dull n pnoh emosi...anyway, tq laa kpade sume yg mnjdi kawan dgn sye yeaa....since long time ago, i am still trying to maintain all the criteria of friendship..smpi ade org ckp kt aku, ade yg plan nk amik ksmptan..xpe laa, kalu 2 niat korg nt korg akn trime balik...hidup nie cm roda kn..dhla..xtaw lg nk smpikn cmne dh nie..xrti nk describe dlm word...hurmmm.....skli lg tq to those out there who proud to say i am friend of pjo..love u too
i leave~
river in the sea???
Sape kenal Mr.Jacques Yves Costeau??aku x knal..haha sbb die nie konon nye femes dalm Discovery Channel..dia seorang ahli oceanographer dan ahli selam terkemuka dari Perancis. Orang tua yang berambut putih ala Dumbledore nie asyik mnyelam je keje smpi sume laut abez die nk selam!!hahaha but, one fine day...(ala2 tone story telling)..die tjmpe laa sungai dalam laut..plik kn bunyinye??tgok laa sdr kt bwh nie...

Mr. Costeau confius ble tgok kejadian nie n die terpikir nk cr sbb cmne laa boley plak ade sungai dlm laut..kn ke laut 2 dh air???pas2 lak sungai pon air???then cmne ade sungai dlm air????die mmg confius gile n mcm2 org die tye tye nk cr jwpn pasal kejadian pnuh msteri nie..huhuhu
on a very beautiful lovely day, tbe2 die pon tjmpe laa dgn sorg profesor islam..Profesor tu pon bce laa ayat Al Quran tentang bertemunya dua lautan (surat Ar-Rahman ayat 19-20) yang sering diidentikkan dengan Terusan Suez. Ayat itu berbunyi "Marajal bahraini yaltaqiyaan, bainahumaa barzakhun laa yabghiyaan.. ."Artinya: "Dia biarkan dua lautan bertemu, di antara keduanya ada batas yang tidak boleh ditembus." Kemudian dibacakan surat Al Furqan ayat 53 di atas.

dalam beberapa kitab tafsir pon ade ayat tentang bertemunya dua lautan tapi tak bercampur airnya tp bmksud sebagai lokasi muara sungai, di mana terjadi pertemuan antara air tawar dari sungai dan air masin dari laut. tapi tafsir itu tidak menjelaskan ayat berikutnya dari surat Ar-Rahman ayat 22 yang berbunyi "Yakhruju minhuma lu'lu`u wal marjaan" ertinya "Keluar dari keduanya mutiara dan marjan." Padahal di muara sungai tidak ditemukan mutiara.
dalam beberapa kitab tafsir pon ade ayat tentang bertemunya dua lautan tapi tak bercampur airnya tp bmksud sebagai lokasi muara sungai, di mana terjadi pertemuan antara air tawar dari sungai dan air masin dari laut. tapi tafsir itu tidak menjelaskan ayat berikutnya dari surat Ar-Rahman ayat 22 yang berbunyi "Yakhruju minhuma lu'lu`u wal marjaan" ertinya "Keluar dari keduanya mutiara dan marjan." Padahal di muara sungai tidak ditemukan mutiara.
Mr. Costeau terpesona mendengar ayat-ayat Al Qur'an itu, melebihi kekagumannya melihat keajaiban pemandangan yang pernah dilihatnya di lautan yang dalam. Al Qur'an ini mustahil disusun oleh Muhammad yang hidup di abad ke tujuh, suatu zaman saat belum ada peralatan selam yang canggih untuk mencapai lokasi yang jauh terpencil di kedalaman samudera.
"What a coincidence eyh for things that written long time ago to happen at this time line..this is not coincident!!" , nie laa kot kata2 Mr Costeau..aku bwat ayt sdr je 2...konon2 real sket..haha berita tentang fenomena ganjil 14 abad yang silam akhirnya terbukti pada abad 20. Mr. Costeau pun berkata bahawa Al Qur'an memang sesungguhnya kitab suci yang berisi firman Allah, yang seluruh kandungannya mutlak benar. pas2 dia pun trus memeluk Islam.
style kn???ciptaan Allah sape boley lawan???ce cite ce cite...tamat sudah crita dr ustaz Pjo..haha maka renung2kn n slamat beramal...
I leave~
asyik2 mrokok mmbahaykan kesihatn..jom tgok kebaikn lak!!!!
there will always be an advantage in smoking. Here are 18 benefits of cigarette smoking.
1. — Smoking improves human information processing
– Higher nicotine cigarettes produce greater improvements [in information processing] than low-nicotine cigarettes
– Nicotine can reverse the detrimental effects of scopolamine on performance
– Smoking effects are accompanied by increases in EEG arousal and decreases in the latency of the late positive component of the evoked potential
Data from:
0574. University of Reading, Department of Psychology (England). Warburton., D.M.; Wesnes, K. “The Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Human Information Processing and the role of Nicotine in These Effects”
2. Smoking improves motor performance
Data from:
0530. London University, Institute of Psychiatry. O’Connor, K.P “Individual Differences in Psychophysiology of Smoking and Smoking Behaviour”
3. Smokers in general are thinner than nonsmokers, even when they ingest more calories
Data from:
Numerous studies, but only two are listed below:
0885. Kentucky State University. Lee. C.J.: Panemangalore. M. “Obesity Among Selected Elderly Females In Central Kentucky.” FUNDING: USDA 0942. University of Louisville. Belknap Campus School of Medicine. Satmford, B.A.; Matter, S.;
Fell, R.D., et al. “Cigarette Smoking, Exercise and High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol” FUNDING: American Heart Association.
4. Smokers have less plaque, gingival inflammation and tooth mobility than nonsmokers
Data from:
Veterans Administration, Outpatient Clinic (Boston). Chauncey. H.H,; Kapur, K.K.; Feldmar, R S. “The Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Study of Oral Health: in Healthy Veterans (Dental Longitudinal Study)
5. Smokers have lower incidence of postoperative deep vein thrombosis than nonsmokers
Data from:
Guy’s Hospital Medical School (England). Jones, R.M. “Influence of Smoking on Peri-Operative Morbidity.”
6. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is less common among smokers
Data from:
0146. Shanghai Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases. Chen, H.Z.; Pan, X.W.; Guo, G. et al. “Relation Between Cigarette Smoking and Epidemiology of Hypertension.
7. Hypertension (high blood pressure) and postpartum hemorrhage are lower in smokers
Data from:
0045. University of Tasmania (Australia). Correy, J.; Newman, N. Curran, J. “An Assessment of Smoking in Pregnancy.”
8. RBCs [red blood cells] from cigarette smokers contain more glutathione and catalase and protect lung endothelial cells against O2 [dioxide] metabolites better than RBCs from nonsmokers
Data from:
0759. University of Colorado. Refine, J.E.; Berger, E.M.; Beehler, C.J. et al. “Role of RBC Antioxidants in Cigarette Smoke Related Diseases.” Jan 1980 – continuing.
9. Smoking protects against Parkinson’s disease
Data from many studies. Among them:
1102. Carr, L.A.; Rowell, P.P. “Attenuation of 1methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophyridine- induced neurotoxicity by tobacco smoke.” Published in Neuro-pharmacology 29(3):311-4, Mar 1990.
1190. Janson, A.M.; Fuxe, K.; Agnati, L.F. Jansson, A. et al. “Protective effects of chronic nicotine treatment on lesioned nigrostriatal dopamine neurons in the male rat.” Pub. in Progress in Brain Research 79:257-65, 1989.
4014. Decina, P.; Caracci, G.; Sandik, R.; Berman, W. et al. “Cigarette smoking and neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism.” In Biological Psychiatry 28(6):502-8, Sept. 15, 1990
10. There is a low prevalence of smoking in ulcerative colitis? And that the disease often starts or relapses after stopping smoking
Data from:
4101. Prytz, H.; Benoni, C.; Tagesson, C. “Does smoking tighten the gut?” In Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 24(9):1084-8, Nov. 1989.
11. Nonsmokers and especially ex-smokers of cigarettes have greater risk of UC [ulcerative colitis]
Data from:
4134. Lorusso, D.; Leo, S.; Miscianga, G.; Guerra, V. “Cigarette smoking and ulcerative colitis. A case control Study.” Hepato-Gastroenterology 36(4): 202-4, Aug. 1989.
12. Hypertension and postpartum hemorrhage are lower in smokers
Data from:
0045. University of Tasmania (Australia). Correy, J.; Newman, N. Curran, J. “An Assessment of Smoking in Pregnancy.”
13. Smoking has a protective effect on immunological abnormalities in asbestos workers
Data from: 0429. Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy (Poland). Lange, A.
“Effect of Smoking on Immunological Abnormalities in Asbestos Workers”.
14. The WHO, in order to “prove” the dangers of ETS, financed the second largest study in the world on secondhand smoke.
But the study “backfired” and showed not only that there was no statistical risk of disease on passive smoking, but even a protective effect for those who are exposed to it.
Not surprisingly, it is said that the WHO tried to hide the study from the media.
For the In-depth info Click HERE
15. That in an Australian study, 91.8% of those who never smoked reported a long term illenss, while those who smoked reported 89.0%
When age was taken into consideration, more people who had never smoked than those who did smoke reported one or more long-term illnesses.
When the number of years during which a person had been a smoker were taken into account, it was the ex-smokers who fared worse when it came to long term illnesses.
Data From: Australian Bureau of Statistics January 1994 report entitled “1980-90 National Health Survey: Lifestyle and Health Australia”.
16. That an Australian study sampling, among other things, individuals over 45 years of age, found that 6.0% of smokers suffered from heart disease, versus 6.7% never-smokers and 11.4% ex-smokers
Data From: Australian Bureau of Statistics January 1994 report entitled “1980-90 National Health Survey: Lifestyle and Health Australia”.
17. Australian study sampling, among other things, individuals over 45 years of age, found that 11.3% of smokers suffered from hypertension, versus 27.0% ex-smokers and 29.0% never-smokers
Data From: Australian Bureau of Statistics January 1994 report entitled “1980-90 National Health Survey: Lifestyle and Health Australia”.
18. Australian study sampling, among other things, individuals over 45 years of age, found that 38.9% of smokers were overweight, versus 49.5% ex-smokers and 44.1% never-smokers
Data From: Australian Bureau of Statistics January 1994 report entitled “1980-90 National Health Survey: Lifestyle and Health Australia”.
If you have been smoking, all I can say is continue it, because if you do stop, you will just have to tread on the torturous feeling of withdrawal process, and your body might get startled by the process, making your body system vulnerable.
If you haven’t started yet, then better think twice. Might as well never to try it, because it is where it all begins.
i leave~
1. — Smoking improves human information processing
– Higher nicotine cigarettes produce greater improvements [in information processing] than low-nicotine cigarettes
– Nicotine can reverse the detrimental effects of scopolamine on performance
– Smoking effects are accompanied by increases in EEG arousal and decreases in the latency of the late positive component of the evoked potential
Data from:
0574. University of Reading, Department of Psychology (England). Warburton., D.M.; Wesnes, K. “The Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Human Information Processing and the role of Nicotine in These Effects”
2. Smoking improves motor performance
Data from:
0530. London University, Institute of Psychiatry. O’Connor, K.P “Individual Differences in Psychophysiology of Smoking and Smoking Behaviour”
3. Smokers in general are thinner than nonsmokers, even when they ingest more calories
Data from:
Numerous studies, but only two are listed below:
0885. Kentucky State University. Lee. C.J.: Panemangalore. M. “Obesity Among Selected Elderly Females In Central Kentucky.” FUNDING: USDA 0942. University of Louisville. Belknap Campus School of Medicine. Satmford, B.A.; Matter, S.;
Fell, R.D., et al. “Cigarette Smoking, Exercise and High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol” FUNDING: American Heart Association.
4. Smokers have less plaque, gingival inflammation and tooth mobility than nonsmokers
Data from:
Veterans Administration, Outpatient Clinic (Boston). Chauncey. H.H,; Kapur, K.K.; Feldmar, R S. “The Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Study of Oral Health: in Healthy Veterans (Dental Longitudinal Study)
5. Smokers have lower incidence of postoperative deep vein thrombosis than nonsmokers
Data from:
Guy’s Hospital Medical School (England). Jones, R.M. “Influence of Smoking on Peri-Operative Morbidity.”
6. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is less common among smokers
Data from:
0146. Shanghai Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases. Chen, H.Z.; Pan, X.W.; Guo, G. et al. “Relation Between Cigarette Smoking and Epidemiology of Hypertension.
7. Hypertension (high blood pressure) and postpartum hemorrhage are lower in smokers
Data from:
0045. University of Tasmania (Australia). Correy, J.; Newman, N. Curran, J. “An Assessment of Smoking in Pregnancy.”
8. RBCs [red blood cells] from cigarette smokers contain more glutathione and catalase and protect lung endothelial cells against O2 [dioxide] metabolites better than RBCs from nonsmokers
Data from:
0759. University of Colorado. Refine, J.E.; Berger, E.M.; Beehler, C.J. et al. “Role of RBC Antioxidants in Cigarette Smoke Related Diseases.” Jan 1980 – continuing.
9. Smoking protects against Parkinson’s disease
Data from many studies. Among them:
1102. Carr, L.A.; Rowell, P.P. “Attenuation of 1methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophyridine- induced neurotoxicity by tobacco smoke.” Published in Neuro-pharmacology 29(3):311-4, Mar 1990.
1190. Janson, A.M.; Fuxe, K.; Agnati, L.F. Jansson, A. et al. “Protective effects of chronic nicotine treatment on lesioned nigrostriatal dopamine neurons in the male rat.” Pub. in Progress in Brain Research 79:257-65, 1989.
4014. Decina, P.; Caracci, G.; Sandik, R.; Berman, W. et al. “Cigarette smoking and neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism.” In Biological Psychiatry 28(6):502-8, Sept. 15, 1990
10. There is a low prevalence of smoking in ulcerative colitis? And that the disease often starts or relapses after stopping smoking
Data from:
4101. Prytz, H.; Benoni, C.; Tagesson, C. “Does smoking tighten the gut?” In Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 24(9):1084-8, Nov. 1989.
11. Nonsmokers and especially ex-smokers of cigarettes have greater risk of UC [ulcerative colitis]
Data from:
4134. Lorusso, D.; Leo, S.; Miscianga, G.; Guerra, V. “Cigarette smoking and ulcerative colitis. A case control Study.” Hepato-Gastroenterology 36(4): 202-4, Aug. 1989.
12. Hypertension and postpartum hemorrhage are lower in smokers
Data from:
0045. University of Tasmania (Australia). Correy, J.; Newman, N. Curran, J. “An Assessment of Smoking in Pregnancy.”
13. Smoking has a protective effect on immunological abnormalities in asbestos workers
Data from: 0429. Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy (Poland). Lange, A.
“Effect of Smoking on Immunological Abnormalities in Asbestos Workers”.
14. The WHO, in order to “prove” the dangers of ETS, financed the second largest study in the world on secondhand smoke.
But the study “backfired” and showed not only that there was no statistical risk of disease on passive smoking, but even a protective effect for those who are exposed to it.
Not surprisingly, it is said that the WHO tried to hide the study from the media.
For the In-depth info Click HERE
15. That in an Australian study, 91.8% of those who never smoked reported a long term illenss, while those who smoked reported 89.0%
When age was taken into consideration, more people who had never smoked than those who did smoke reported one or more long-term illnesses.
When the number of years during which a person had been a smoker were taken into account, it was the ex-smokers who fared worse when it came to long term illnesses.
Data From: Australian Bureau of Statistics January 1994 report entitled “1980-90 National Health Survey: Lifestyle and Health Australia”.
16. That an Australian study sampling, among other things, individuals over 45 years of age, found that 6.0% of smokers suffered from heart disease, versus 6.7% never-smokers and 11.4% ex-smokers
Data From: Australian Bureau of Statistics January 1994 report entitled “1980-90 National Health Survey: Lifestyle and Health Australia”.
17. Australian study sampling, among other things, individuals over 45 years of age, found that 11.3% of smokers suffered from hypertension, versus 27.0% ex-smokers and 29.0% never-smokers
Data From: Australian Bureau of Statistics January 1994 report entitled “1980-90 National Health Survey: Lifestyle and Health Australia”.
18. Australian study sampling, among other things, individuals over 45 years of age, found that 38.9% of smokers were overweight, versus 49.5% ex-smokers and 44.1% never-smokers
Data From: Australian Bureau of Statistics January 1994 report entitled “1980-90 National Health Survey: Lifestyle and Health Australia”.
If you have been smoking, all I can say is continue it, because if you do stop, you will just have to tread on the torturous feeling of withdrawal process, and your body might get startled by the process, making your body system vulnerable.
If you haven’t started yet, then better think twice. Might as well never to try it, because it is where it all begins.
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medic student yg 'hebat gile'
ade laa 1 grup kt FB nie...grup future doctors of malaysia..hurm...mule2 nmpk cm bgos sgt grup nie sbb yg join sume dak medic, so boley btkar pndapt la...konon nye..aku ok je dlm grup 2..tp mkn lame mkin annoying...pas2 aku tgok most nye budak NERD!!! n BERLAGAK, ALIM kononnye, BAJET PANDAI!!!hello kalu stakat ko mengadap buku 2 24/7/30,31/365 baik xyah!!!
-pasal knowledge- pgtahuan ko cikai je pon, nk blgak x tntu hal...ko nak aku tnjuk power lak ke???at least aku yg sllu ponteng lecturer, x bwat sume keje, n x stdy sgt utk exam pon boley jwb soklan ko 2...nk compare IQ ke??try laa beat aku..FYI, IQ aku 175..try laaa beat!!!( tbe2 nk mrh trshow off laakkkk..hahaha)...pas2 lak, ko mrh2 org konon post mnde ngarut la...taw laa grup medic, xkn laa sume ko nk medic...ko nie mmg mengabdikan medic dlm hidup ko ke????
-pasal attitude- ko igt korg pki tduh labuh, pki kopiah, serban n sbginye korg boley laa nk kritik org len sbb ko xde dosa???haiihhhh pantg aku kalu org kritik ikot sdp mulut je..kalu care korg tgur 2 btol xpe, nie kalu dh maki2 kwn aku yg komen 2 mmg ko cr pasal ngan kami la...ko nk tgor org pasal ethic, tp ko pnye prgai xnk lak ko tgok..cermin laa diri dlu wei!!!n sblum komen or kritik, tgok dlu pe sbnrnye org 2 cube smpikan..jgn pasal 1 thing, u clarify it without judging it fairly n do any investigation to prove that u r right!! (kn dh kuar bhse kmpung halaman aku bile marah!!!)...n cre nk tgor 2 pon ade..korg kate korg blaja PPD (professionalism n personal development)..tp korg ckp lbey, bwat nye tidak!!!be assertive laa wei kalu nk tgor 2!!!!
-pasal life- korg nie taw mengabdikan medic je..korg taw x ape 2 zmn rmaja..korg kne lalui nie sbaik mgkin coz nt korg dh keje jgn hrp laa korg boley njoy cm zmn rmaja nie!!pliz laa jgn laa asyik mgadap buku je...g laa tgok wyg, men boling, karoke..pape la... jnji mghiburkn diri n mmnuhi tntutan zmn rmaja ko!!tp jgn laa smpi ko mlwan agama lak..be normal dh la...igt org respect ke ko bace buku je keje...org NYAMPAH taw x!!!
ade lg nk tulis pasl dak2 nie, tp aku mls taip...n lgpon aku mls nk kutuk lbey2...dosa free je aku..lgpon aku bknnye baik sgt..aku kn mmbwa bad influence..ade laa org pnh ckp kt aku...who cares!!!!its my life..ko nk follow , slh aku ke??kalu ko x follow, pon slh aku ke???renung2kanla n slamat beramal.....
I leave~
me have not~
-pasal knowledge- pgtahuan ko cikai je pon, nk blgak x tntu hal...ko nak aku tnjuk power lak ke???at least aku yg sllu ponteng lecturer, x bwat sume keje, n x stdy sgt utk exam pon boley jwb soklan ko 2...nk compare IQ ke??try laa beat aku..FYI, IQ aku 175..try laaa beat!!!( tbe2 nk mrh trshow off laakkkk..hahaha)...pas2 lak, ko mrh2 org konon post mnde ngarut la...taw laa grup medic, xkn laa sume ko nk medic...ko nie mmg mengabdikan medic dlm hidup ko ke????
-pasal attitude- ko igt korg pki tduh labuh, pki kopiah, serban n sbginye korg boley laa nk kritik org len sbb ko xde dosa???haiihhhh pantg aku kalu org kritik ikot sdp mulut je..kalu care korg tgur 2 btol xpe, nie kalu dh maki2 kwn aku yg komen 2 mmg ko cr pasal ngan kami la...ko nk tgor org pasal ethic, tp ko pnye prgai xnk lak ko tgok..cermin laa diri dlu wei!!!n sblum komen or kritik, tgok dlu pe sbnrnye org 2 cube smpikan..jgn pasal 1 thing, u clarify it without judging it fairly n do any investigation to prove that u r right!! (kn dh kuar bhse kmpung halaman aku bile marah!!!)...n cre nk tgor 2 pon ade..korg kate korg blaja PPD (professionalism n personal development)..tp korg ckp lbey, bwat nye tidak!!!be assertive laa wei kalu nk tgor 2!!!!
-pasal life- korg nie taw mengabdikan medic je..korg taw x ape 2 zmn rmaja..korg kne lalui nie sbaik mgkin coz nt korg dh keje jgn hrp laa korg boley njoy cm zmn rmaja nie!!pliz laa jgn laa asyik mgadap buku je...g laa tgok wyg, men boling, karoke..pape la... jnji mghiburkn diri n mmnuhi tntutan zmn rmaja ko!!tp jgn laa smpi ko mlwan agama lak..be normal dh la...igt org respect ke ko bace buku je keje...org NYAMPAH taw x!!!
ade lg nk tulis pasl dak2 nie, tp aku mls taip...n lgpon aku mls nk kutuk lbey2...dosa free je aku..lgpon aku bknnye baik sgt..aku kn mmbwa bad influence..ade laa org pnh ckp kt aku...who cares!!!!its my life..ko nk follow , slh aku ke??kalu ko x follow, pon slh aku ke???renung2kanla n slamat beramal.....
I leave~
me have not~
Welcome!! n Selamat berkenal2-an...
greetings to all..haha nie laa blog pertama aku..asyik tgok2 blog org trase lak cm nk bwat blog sndiri..hehe so aku pon terfikir laa nk bwat blog nie...haaiihhhhh aku nie bknnye ade idea sgt nk tulis..sbb aku x ske mnulis, dlu2 time skolah pon aku x bwat homework, n plg kritikal time result percubaan spm, aku dpt 9A1B..huhu aggregat 2 aku x igt dh bpe A1 n bpe A2..haha who cares!!skang aku dh msuk U..hahahaha aku dpt B dlm sbjek BI...bknlaa aku x rti BI, n in fact i am good in it..haha matilaaa tershoww off lak..xde la..exam sblum2 nye time zmn skolah dlu, BI aku mst A..smpi laa ckgu nie dh fed-up dgn aku sbb aku xbwat homework die slme 2 thun spnjg die ngajar..die ngajar aku since form4..huhu aku x pnh ade buku yg die sruh bwat..hahaha adoi aku nie mmg kmalasan thap mksimum!!so, ckgu nie pon ptg mrkah aku sbyk bbrape %..huhu so dpt laa B..adoi, slh sdr laa...wlupon aku hangin dgn ckgu 2 n ade tlintas idea nk sabotaj kete die...ooopppss...aku x bwat laa...aku nie BAIK orgnye..(masuk bakul, aku upah org agkt!!!)..haha so dah3..mls dh nk celoteh dgn pkataan yg aku kne taip..lurus kepada titik ( straight to the point )... kalu direct translate BM dr BI plik kn???haha ok2, so pndg ke bawah...tgan ke dada.. baca laaaa dgn pnuh ksabaran yea....
nie laa info pasal aku...
SeLaMaT BeRkEnAlAn...keep in touch...
i leave~
nie laa info pasal aku...
- boley pggil aku pjo / pzoe
- aku ade kembar..die jahat, xyah knal la...hahaha tp die byk ajar aku...(x pasti penting ke x die dlm hidup aku) hahahahha
- im a good driver (rmi yg ckp, bkn aku nk perasan)..hahaha
- aku skang blaja kt ukm..course xyah tye..kalu aku ckp, rmi x caye..haha
- aku suke bwat mnde2 pelik n aku nie unpredictable..
- aku nie mmg xkn ade org paham..tmsuk laa fmly aku sdr..( xtaw laa aku ptot bbgga ke x dgn sttmnt nie)..haha who cares!!!!
- aku nie pndi simpan rhsia..u can trust me with all of your life..hehe grenti x bocor..kcuali kalu ko x ckp sruh rhsia..salah korg laa!!!hahahaha
- aku suke bguraw n x suke org serius...fed-up aku org cmni!!!
- xtaw laa ape lg nk ckp, korg curious???tye je laa..insyaAllah aku jawab dgn sejujurnye...haha
SeLaMaT BeRkEnAlAn...keep in touch...
i leave~
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