personality test lagi...

OK..dulu dlm post aku dh ade personality skang aku jumpe yg baru..haha senang je..korg just tgok tarikh korg lahir..huhu brape hari bulan yer???pas2 tgok laa prangai korg..haha tapi test nie dlm bahsa inggeris taw... ok..have fun!!!

*just for fun..kebenaran tidak dipastikan*

1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month you are number 1.

2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month then you are number 2.

3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month then you are number 3.

4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month then you are Number 4.

5th, 14th, 23rd of any month then you are number 5.

6th, 15th, 24th of any month then you are number 6.

7th, 16th, 25th of any month then you are number 7.

8th, 17th, 26th of any month then you are number 8.

9th, 18th, 27th of any month then you are number 9.

Number 1

You are smart, a straight talker, funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest, jealous

on a competitive basis, kind hearted, temperamental, friendly, and popular. You

always want to be on the top and most likely to be independent. You are most

likely to fall in love at a young age, but will marry once you mature! You are

likely to have problems with people who have opposite views and you are most

likely to take revenge over your enemies in a long time basis. You are a

spender, but you will have a good profession in the future. If you are guy you

will be very popular. You can go anywhere from the local shop to the heart of

the parliament because you are positive and talented in numerous areas. But in

your life you will always have some people who will work hard to bring you &

your name down. Because of your intelligence, some might hate you. You are a

pioneer, independent & original your best match is 4, 6, 8 while a good match

would be with 3,5,7

Number 2

No matter what, every one will love you because you are ruled by the Moon. You

day dream a lot, you have a very low-self esteem, you need to have a back up for

every move in your life, you are very unpredictable. You tend to change

according to time and circumstances, selfish, have a very strong sense of

musical and artistic talent and powerful verbal communication. You can be sweet

as an angel and can be ruthless when double-crossed. Some might say you have a

sixth sense. You will become a poet, writer, an artist or a businessperson. You

are not strong in love, so your relationship will be in disarray until you

settle down. If you are a girl, you will be responsible for your family. If you

are a man, you tend to get involve in fights & arguments in the family. You will

sacrifice your life for your family. You are gentle, intuitive with a broad

vision. You make a well-balanced person. Your best match is 2, 7,5, and 9 no

other people can put up with you!!!

Number 3

You are hardhearted and selfish most of the time. You always tend to have lots

of problems within your family in the early stages but you will be able to cope

with everything. You seem to have your way in everything. And from birth you

would always have to work hard to achieve anything you want. You always make a

point to set examples on others, especially the younger ones. Generally you are

not a cool person. It's not easy dealing with you. A tough player you are! But

once you are comfortable with someone, it will be a lasting friendship. You

always earn respect from others. Your Ilk seems to have lots of worries and

problems but they won't be for long. You will have brilliant kids! You love

money a bit too much so temptation will push you to try endlessly. You will look

after your family and help friends, so you will spend a life time just being

generous and kind (except for men born on the 21st). You love your freedom,

creative and ambitious, a person who brings beauty, hope & joy to this world!!!

Your best match 6 and 9. Good match 1, 3, and 5

Number 4

You are very stubborn, very hard working but unlucky in important matters in

life, very cool and helpful. You might repel people away from you, you may cause

nuisance to others if you area man, as you gifted are with understanding other

people's problems. If you are a girl, you excel in your studies and arts. If you

are a guy you spend most of your time with girl friends and you tend to have too

much fun with your mates & girls. Your friends will spend your time & money and

get on with their life and you will be left empty handed. So be careful! You

love to spend. Your positive side is that you are always around to help family

and friends. You always fall in love with those younger than you. You often live

with disappointments but you will take good care of your family. You need to be

careful of people who will take advantage of your kind heart (ahaks!). And

beware of your relationships too. You are radical, patient, persistent, and a

hit old-fashioned; you live with foundation & order. Your best match 1, 8. Good

match 5, 6, and 7

Number 5

You are very popular and you can get things done only by talking. Even to your

enemies! You are business-minded and like to do things spontaneously. You will

be famous if you get involved in any business. Your friends and families will

always ask for your help, and you are the one actually with the money to help

your friends. You will have more than one relationship, but when you settle down

you tend to be selfish. You tend to go for other relationships - even if you are

married at times because of your popularity. You tend to get along easily with

anyone because the numbers is a middle number. You love freedom and changes. You

learn your life through your personal experiences. Your best match 1, 2, Good

match 6, 8.

Number 6

Ooopppss... You were born to enjoy! You don't care about others. I mean you

always wanted to have a lifetime of enjoyment. You will excel in either

education or business management! You are talented, kind (but with only people

who you think are nice), and popular. All good things come easily to you. Your

mind and body is just made perfect for love. You are loveable by any number. But

if you are a number 6 men, you will be involved in more than a few relationships

until you get married. If you are a girl, most of you will get married/engaged

early. You are a caring person towards your family and friends. You are a person

of compassion, comfort & fairness, domestic responsibility, good judgment, and

after all you can heal this world's wounds to make peace for everyone because

you have the great power and caring talent to take the world of love one step

further.. Your best match 7, 6, and 9. Good match 4, 5

Number 7

You are realistic, confident, happy, and talented in education, music, art,

singing, and most importantly in acting. You also have a bad temper! You value

your family status a lot; you will be in the top rank when you reach a certain

age. If you are a guy you are popular with girls. Most of the number 7s faces

lots of problems with their married life. Only a few are happy. You have

everything in your life but with worries throughout your lifetime. You need to

get ready looking for a partner rather than waiting. If you don't, then you

might end-up being single. You are born to contribute to everyone's joy. Your

best match is 2. Good matches are 1, 4

Number 8

You have a very strong personality and people will find it hard to understand

you. You are more likely to suffer in your younger years. You might be also the

one responsible to look out for your family. You often suffer all the way

through life. You will learn life in a very practical way. You are the one who

will fight for justice and may even die in the war too. You are normally very

reserved with a handful of friends and most of the time, live life alone and

always prepared to help others. However, once you settle down, (which is often

late), then your had lucks will disappear. You will face unexpected problems

such as encountering poisonous animals, and accidents. You are highly-

disciplined, persistence, and courageous, and it is your strength that will take

you to success. You are a great part of a family team. You are a fighter! Your

Best match 1, 4 and 8. Good match 5

Number 9

You guys are the most incompatible people in the world. You are so strong,

physically and mentally. You often have big-aims. You will work hard and will

think it's still hard to get there, even if you already have gotten there!

Normally you suffer in the early age from family problems and generally you will

have to fight in life. You are respected by others. You were however very

naughty in your childhood, and often got beaten up by your parents and had been

involved in fights and you seemed to have suffered lots of injuries. But when

you grow older you become calm and will fall into the quiet and dignified macho

type. Love is not an easy matter for you. You are however good in engineering or

banking jobs because people always trust you. Your family life is very good, but

you will always worry over your children. Your finer qualities are that you are

humanitarian, patient, very wise & compassionate. You are born to achieve

targets and serve every one equally without any prejudice. You are a role model

for everyone. Your best match 3, 5, 6, and 9. Good match 2 x dgn prangai korg..btw, aku num 5..sape2 yg knal aku agak2 betol ke x???sme ke dgn aku???hehe

yeaaaahhhh prezenT

ok..taun nie pnye besday present agak mnarik..hehe kan bez kalu dpt cmni tiap2 tahun..or lg byk pon xpe!!hehehe

ok, first..i was suprised by my bez fren a.k.a my bro la..hahaha tbe2 juz abez klas aku kuar je bilik PBL (problem Based LEarning) n tibe2 dapat sebuah HELIKOPTER!!!!fuyyooo... tp ygt remote control la..hehe lgkap dgn camera boley amik gmbar n rekod video..FUyyooo!! haha sgt style..nie gmbr die..hehe

nie laa aku pnye heli..hehe

haha next..tibe2 je kekanda bermurah hati tahun, at swatch pavilion..aku diberi pluang nk pilih ape je jam yg aku aku plih jam SWATCH GREY HERO..hehe usha laa kat web nie..hehe nie gmbar!!!


hehe so sgt2 suke taun nie..lega target sem 4 nie agar dpt 4flat..amin....

X NAK pegi GENting dh lpas nie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FFUUUUHHHHH....lame gile seyh x update blog nie..bukan ape..bizi sgt lar..yela dak medic, eyh??cullinary art la..hehe mmg laa bz..haha so smlm 14.11.2011 besday aku la...lalalalala Hepi bURPPPPday to me!!! (mood nak hadiah)..maka taun nie aku dh 20..huhu dgn azam baru gua harus jadi lebih baik dr sblum nie..acececece dah3..aku xnk merapu2..back to the GENTING story..ok..begini ceritanya :

GENTING HIGHLAND akn bagi tiket free kat sape2 je yg smbut besday die..mmg dorg akan bg free tiket...x caya klik sini my best fren aka my bro la..ktorg nie cm adik bradik la..mak aku pon dh anggap die nie cm anak sdr..huhu so ktorg pon bcdang laa nak pegi bertandang ke taman tema atas puncak gunung banjaran titiwanga nie.. kitorang igt nk drive je tap cam mahal laa tol minyak usha2 laa pakej murah nk g genting..n sgt tkejut dgn pakej go genting yg murah gile..imagine tiket masuk taman tema outdoor 2 dh pakej die termasuk bas, kete kabel n tiket taman tema..sume skali pergi balik RM47..murah gile..huhu tekan sini kalu nk usha2..aku juz byr RM 8.40 untuk tambang bas n kete kebel je..huhu

Dengan muka yg penuh excited nie, smpai laa kitorg kat Genting Outdoor Theme Park tu..smpi2 je tkejut..rmi gile org..padahal kan nie hari isnin..aiseymen...bengang btol..ramai plak org dtg nk celebrate besday aku ( mood syok sdr)..haha x kesah sgt laa yg 2..aku kalu g genting suke naik CYCLONECORKSCREWSUPER TOBOGGAN dan SPACE SHOT..huhu first nk pg kt cyclone ktorg tperanjat sbb cyclone dh tutup..kat sblah die, super toboggan pon tutup..aku dh start nk mnyumpah dh nie!!!ggrrr..nasib baik nmpk space shot 2 bergerak..ktorg pon naik laa escalator nk pgi bratur kt space shot 2..huhu lpas dlm 30 mnit dpt laa naik..yeehaaaa...excited gile..hehe pas2 ktorg pon igt nak naik lg tp barisan td dah bertambah 2 kali ganda..adoi!!!!!ktorg pon nk pg naik corkscrew..cube teka ape jadi?????yeaayyyyy CORKSCREW ditutup dari 14.11 - 17.11 ...adoi, dengan tekanan darah yg mula naik, ktorg pon jln laa lg nk pgi naik ROLLING THUNDER MINE TRAIN rollercoaster..dh laa stesen die jauh..smpi2 je aku pon TERSENGIH skali lg sbb mainan nie pon tutup!!! makin stress aku!!!!! Memang aku nak naik GENTING nie sbb nak tgok sume mainan bez2 nie tutup!!! (mata ke atas, tangan ke dada)...cheese!!!

dgn prasaan bengang..ktorg pon pg laa tgok flying nmpk laa bbrapa technician tgah btolkan skru2 kt trek rolercoaster ktorg pon tyela..boley main ke x nie??? brader 2 jwb, jap yer...nk siap dh, dgn pnuh redho tggu laa kjap..n lastly dpt laa naik FLYING COASTER...dhla kne byr extra RM10..huh!!!! pas2 ktorg pon lpak2 indoor n balik la!!! haiihhh papepon sakit ati sgt..nasiblaa tiket aku free...kalu kna bayar???mmg aku bakor la!!!!!!!

kenangan J~

tbe2 duk rmh nie kan..aku tringat kelas J..hehe klas J nie klas aku time asasi kt uitm dlu..huhu kt sni sume memori2 bez blaku..smpi sume pon xnk kuar dr klas J..aku igt lg wk2 ari abez asasi, sume dok pakat nangis2 tacink2..nsb bek aku nie x nangis laa...kot..haha kan korg kan???hehe ala, kalu ade pon sket2 je la..hehe dah3..jgn nk bwat aku tkenang kisah lame!!!( lame ke??br 1 tahun lbey je..hehe)..ok aku nk list name2 geng2 dak laki yg ade..yg pompuan rmi sgt..matilaa nk list sume..haha

class RAPe...(aku x pasti spelling btol ke x??haha)
Aizat Taib - sorg class rape yg bez!!n stylo..sume keje bliau complete n mnjdi tmpt utk aku MENYEMAK sume homework..hehe antare debater yg hebat kt uitm nie!!haha n byk gosip..haha aku tmpg dgr je skali skala....korg kalu cr nahas dgn die mmg cr matila..hahaha
Amir Anwar - nie suami kpade aizat..haha dorg nie sme2 class rape..haha bliau nie sgt rajin n pon mnjdi tmpuan utk aku MENYEMAK homework..hehe bdn bliau tough, so aku assign die sbg bodyguard aku..haha kan amir???

ahli2 klas J-

Farhan Wahab -  nie sorg jambu dlm klas..hahahaha die pki spek n keje die buat bising je dlm klas..aku yg RAJIN n FOKUS dlm klas nie tganggu dbwatnye..haha ayt die yg plg femes smpi aku pon gune ,'matilaa...'
mamat nie suke muzik cm aku gak..n aku sllu mntk lgu dgn die pasal aku mls download..haha btw, skang dh bpunye oleh za**..haha wlupon byk skandal dgn laki!!!hahaha also a debater!!

Tuan Afiq - gelaran len die ialah 'Sir'..sbb die bliau nie sgt terror math!!kalu lecturer bg soklan, tup tap tup tap die siap dh..yg plg x boley bla die jrg pki calculator..haiihhh mmg otak math die keje melahar org pon die terer!!!hahaha owh, lahar 2 bhase dak2 nie gune bile nk pangkah org!!hahaha btw, beliau pon debater uitm yg mantop!!!!mmg laa wakil debat kt uitm 2 dak klas J je yg msuk!!!haaiihhhhh mata keatas, tgn ke dada,,haha

Fikri Rosli - die nie bajet ratu..haha knon sgt diva..haha anak manje, bley bilang bpe hari dlm staun die duk kt kolej perindu 2..balik rmh je bliau pon adelah pemeriah keadaan..geng2 nok paan, afiq n aizat!!hahahaha

Ahmad Assyraf -  glaran lain jejaka macho kelahiran Baling nie ialah 'Chek'..hehe ade gak yg pggil acap..huhu mamat plg macho dlm klas..n prgai baik je dlm klas..kalu luar klas, masyaALLAH xtaw laa aku nk ckp cmne!!!hahahaha

Syafiq - org ckp muke die cm kucing..haha adoi..sian capik..haha beliau suke bsukan n beriadah..n smpi skang die xtaw lahar 2 ape..hahaha adoi..beliau nie skandal ade sorg dak pompuan dlm dak 2 na**..haha xley laa btaw..haha nt ade org bakor blog aku..haha

Akmal Fahmi - nie pon bodyguard aku lg sorg..haha mat rempit sejati klas J..haha die sgt style n mmg rilex je..bilik die bilik kedua aku..haha mmg keje lpak blik die je..

Farez Azizul - nie budak dh tukar wrganegara..skang dh duk Indon..bwat medic ( gile la..medic 2....ade sape2 nk bknalan??hehe) die nie hepi-go lucky pnye org..dn agak playboy...ooppssss..haha

Nasrullah Said - haha nie sorg dak yg byk story..lpak dgn die ade je story..kalu jmpe aku mmg keje nk ajak aku race je!!hahaha

Khairul Amin - nie ktorg pnye IT technical man..haha ckp pasl komputer, laptop, software, ape2 laa..sume die taw..pape yg ade mslh IT, maka mamat nie laa rujukan!!haha

Safwan @ Where - kejap je die msuk dlm grup..sbb lpas2 die pndh kuar msuk smpt gak laa bergosip2..hahaha

 dlm gmbr nie xde aizat n farez..dak pompuan pon ade gak yg ilang..huhu tp nie laa dak2 klas J uitm..

maka complete laa snarai jejaka2 klas J..haha nt kalu aku rajin, aku bwat laa yg dak pompuan lak..sbb yelaa dh nisbah pompuan kpada laki kn ke??hahaha aku tgok dlm iklan movie 3, 2 , 1 cinta..hahaha so ksmpulan pompuan lg rmi dr laki..hahaha papepon..rndu korg jugak!!!!!!!

i leave~

Personality - BurrpppPPPPdAYY!!

ok2..rmi org ckp sllunye org yg lahir tarikh sekian2, prgai die pon sekian2..hurmmm....byk kajian tlah dbwat mngenai hal, aku pon bwat sket research..sbnrnye ilmu firasat nie dh lme ade sjak dr zaman Imam Syafie..mgikut sjrah, bliau mrupakan antra ahli firasat yg hebat!!!, dr yg aku jmpe..nie ade laa sdkit kajian psikologi personality mgikut waktu lahir msing2.....scroll ke bwah n banding2knlah dgn diri sdr..sbb mnde nie pon kite x pasti sjauh mne btulnye kn???hehehe njoy!!!

18 DISember - 23 JANuari
cita2 tggi, siyes, suka mdidik n dididik, mudah mlihat klemahan org n suke mgkritik, rajin, kemas n teratur, sensitif, pndi mgmbil hati org, pmalu, dya tumpuan tggi, bdsiplin, romantik tp x tnjuk (sweet sgt!!!hahah), syg kanak2, suke duk rmah, setia, PERLU blaja kmahiran sosial, cemburu...

18 JANuari - 23 FEBruari
bfikiran abstrak, bijak, psonaliti mdah berubah, pndiam, pmalu, rndah diri, jujur n stia, kras hati, x ske dkongkong, ske smthg lasak, sensitif, mdh marah n cpt tnjuk kmarahan, x ske smthng yg remeh, ske bkawan tp x tnjuk sfat mreka ske bkawan, brani, cta2 tggi, suke BERANGAN, pmrhatian tajam, suke hiburan n sukan, art lover, ROMANTIK, pcye mnde2 tahyul, BOROS....

18 FEBruari - 23 MAc
psonaliti mnarik, mudh didmpingi, pmalu, pmndam rasa, jujur, PEMURAH, mudah smpati, sgt sensitif dgn pkatan yg org ckp, peka dgn keadaan skeliling, x cpt mrah, amanah, tahu mmbalas budi, pmrhatian n pnilaian yg tajam, suke BERANGAN, suke mlancong, MANJA n suke prhatian, suke hiasan rmah, mostly berbakat dlm muzik..

18 MAc - 23 APRil
sgt aktif n dinamik, cpt bwat kputusan tapi cpt mnyesal, pndi mnjakan diri, ingatan n instinct yg kuat, pndi mmjuk, suke bkwan n pndi slesaikn probs org, sgt brani, suke ADVANTURE, pengasih, sopan santun, pemurah, emosi cpt terusik (cpat tacink), agresif, pndi mndorong diri n motivate org len, TERLALU cemburu...

18 APRil - 23 MEi
kras hati n degil, kuat smangat, motivasi tggi, pmikiran tajam, mudah MARAH, pndi mgambil hati org, ttp pendirian tp mdh dpgaruhi org len, mudh dipujuk, instinct yg kuat, mmhami ape yg tlintas di hati org len tnpe dbritaw (wow, psychic!!)..full of imagination, pndi berDEBAT, suke sastera, suke muzik, suke mlncong, x brape suke duk rumah, x boley duk diam, rajin, smangat tggi, agak boros....

18 MEi - 23 JUn
bfikiran jauh, bwawasan, mudh dtawan krn sikap baik, lmah lembut, mdah berubah sikap, idea n mood...idea byk, sensitif, stiase bfikir, suke btangguh, tlalu mmlih, mahukan yg terbaik, cpat mrah cpat sejuk, ske bcakap n bdebat, suke bwat lawak,bergurau..cerdas, BERANGAN, mudah n pndi pilih kawan, pndi tnjuk sikap, mudah kecik ati, suke berkemas, cpat bosan, crewet, kurg mmpamerkan prasaan, kalu hati tluke ssh nk ilang, suke BARANG BRANDED...

18 JUn - 23 JULai
sronok lepak dgn die nie, brahsia n sush nk paham terutama llaki, pendiam, pntgkan maruah, x suke mnyusahkn org lain tp x mrh bile dsusahkn, mdah dpujuk, sgt mnjaga hati org len, sgt PERAMAH, mudah terluka, jiwa sentimental, mudah memaafkn tp ssh nk lupekn, x suke mnde2 yg remeh, peka, penyayang, simpati, pmrhatian tajam, suke mnilai dgn pmrhatian, mudh n suke bljar, suke muhasabah diri, suka mgenangkan pristiwa or kwan lama, suke mndiamkn diri, suke duk rmah, suke tggu kwan tp x ske cri kwan, x agresif kcuali tpkse, mintak dsyangi, mdh tluka hati n lmbt pulih, tlalu mgambil brat, rajin bwat KERJA...

18 JULai - 23 OGoS
suke mlawak, sopan sntun, ambil berat, x taw takut, tegas, bsikap pemimpin, pndi mmjuk, pemurah,EGO, dhagakan pujian, smgat juang, cpt marah, mudh mgamuk, sgt cmburu, daya pmrhatian tajam, teliti, cpat bfikir, suke memmpin n dipimpin, BERANGAN, mostly berbakat dlm sni lukis, suke hiburan, sgt senstif tp x mdh mrajuk, BELAJAR utk btenang, kelam kabut, ROMANTIK, penyayang, suke mncri kwan...

18 OGoS - 23 SEPtember
sopan santun, tolak ansur, teliti, teratur, mngkritik, pndiam tp pndi bcakap, tenang, baik, mudah simpati, prihatin, terperinci, amanah, setia, jujur, kerja smpurna, sensitif, byk berfikir, penaakulan yg baik, bijak, mdh belajar, suke mncr mklumat, pndi mndorong diri, mdh mmhami org len, instinct kuat, byk smpn rhsia, suke sukan, hiburan, melancong...kurg mnnjukkan prasaan, kalu tluke hati sgt lme dsimpan, TERLALU mmlih psgn, sistematik...

18 SEPtember - 23 OKTober
suke bersembang, sike ambil jln tgah, sopan sntun, x pndi mnipu, bpura-pura, mudh smpati, pntgkan kawan, stiase bkwan, hati mudah trusik tp mrajuk x lama, cp mrh, x mnolong orang kecuali DIMINTA, ske mlihat dr perspektif sdr, x ske trime pndgn org lain, berngan, pndi bercakap, suke mlncong, sastera n seni, penyayang, lmah lmbut, ROMANTIK dlm percintaan, cemburu, ambil berat, suke kegiatan luar, adil, BOROS, mdh tpngaruh dgn keadaan skeliling, mudah patah smgat......

18 OKTober- 23 NOVember
sensitif, cekal, suke mnnjukkan KUASA n lbey dominan slm hbungan sosial, byk idea, bfikiran kehadapan, unik n bijak, byk idea baru, tajam fikiran, instinct yg halus n tggi, cermat n tliti, psonaliti dinamik, berhsia, pndi mncungkil n mncri rhsia, byk bfikir, kurg bckap tp msra, berani, pemurah, setia n sabar, degil, x suke MARAH kecuali digugat, ambil berat, pndi muhasabah n mndorong diri, x hargai pujian, smgat n daya juang tggi, romantik, rajin, kemampuan tggi, amanah jujur setia, cita2 tggi, perangai xdapat DIRAMAL n berubah-ubah......

18 NOVember - 23 DISember
sgt setia n pmurah, PATRIOTIK, aktif dlm pmainan n pgaulan, kurang sabar n tergesa-gesa, bcita-cita tggi, suke mnjdi orang yg BERPENGARUH, suke bgaul, suke dipuji, diberi prhatian n dibelai...jujur, amnah, tolak ansur, xpndi berpura-pura, cpt mrh, prgai berubah-ubah, x EGO wlaupon hrge diri tggi, bnci kongkongan, ske mlawak, n bfikiran LOGIK......

adoi pnat nye aku taip...haaihhh lenguh jari-jemari ini ber-shuffle ats keyboard laptop..hahaha owh lupe nk ckp yg kalu ade trikh lahir korg yg intercept antre 2 date..means btween 24hb-17hb bulan yg bru..korg kne bce dua2 skli pnye psonality..sbb die intercept..huhu
so korg dh tgok psnaliti korg???sme ke x????haha rsenye pcentage die 90% keatas sme...xtaw laa korg kalu yg aku lak mmg 100% sme dlm nie..huhu korg boley laa jgak tgok2 psonalty org len dlm nie..huhu btw, THIS IS JUST FOR FUN..


i leave~

hentam n serius kot????(xtaw nak naming title ape..haha)

hello kpade sume..haha sje je nk post psl mnde nie..bukan ape..sllunye kn ble aku ckp ade je nk bgkang..haaiiihhhh korg nie, taw x, sllunye kalu aku ckp 2 blapik2, ko kne laa cr mkne 2 sdr..adoi..berbalik pade post aku sblum2 nie..dh mmg prgai aku nie ske post mnde2 plik, aku sje laa post kbaikn merokok 2...huhu tp kn tbe2 lak kne hentam..adoi..aku pon kutip kt web mne je...its common sense la..sape kate smoking 2 x bhye kn??????

so, pengajaran kpada sume...better korg knal btol2 org yg tulis pape sttmnt or artikel, br laa nk hentam!!!pas2, cr laa bukti dlu on based ape yg die tulis...cnthnye psl kes Secret Recipe dlu..tbe2 rmi yg post ckp SR haram..tlgla jgn main share je...investigate dlu br pcye ok!!!gune laa akal yg ko ade!!!ckp pasl fkta lak..AKU NIE SLALU POST MNDE YG LAIN DR ORG LAIN POST!!!so jgn laa take it seriously...i post things just for fun! dont take things for granted..ok???kn aku dh ckp aku benci org serius...kalu korg serius je ape jd??????meh aku list:

1- kwn2 pon renggang
2- korg taw cr slh org je jadinye!!!
3- korg akn duduk dlm dunia korg yg pnuh dgn perfection kononnye( tp ape pon tadak!!!!)
4- org akan fed-up dgn ko sbb asyik2 siyes je.
5- ko akn mnjdi boring..(tmsuk lah label thadap ko sdr..yes u r a boring person!!)

n many more..boley pikr sdr kn???haha so, nxt time sblum mrh2 org ke nk kutuk2 org...tgok sume detail dlu ssuai x korg nk hentam beliau!!!ok???gunelaa IQ yg ade 2...n not too serious ok..bak kate Joker dlm BATMAN, "why so serious??"...

i leave~
me refuse~


kawan, fren, teman, sahabat...papelaa pggilannye tp sume org ade kwan kn???.kawan nie pentg dlm hidup kite sbb mcm2 rujukan kite gnekn kwan kn??? Ada kawan yang sanggup berkongsi duka bersama kita dan ada yang sanggup bersusah payah dengan kita. Tetapi ada juga sahabat yang ada ketika senang dan hanya sanggup berkongsi kegembiraan sahaja, dan sebab itu aku katakan sahabat boleh menentukan corak hidup seseorang itu. Jika Sahabat . Kawan . Teman . anda seperti ini hargailah mereka insha Allah merekalah yang terbaik untuk anda.........

1. Jika kita berbakti kepadanya, dia akan melindungi kita

2. Jika kita rapatkan persahabatan dengannya, dia akan membalas balik persahabatan kita

3. Jika kita memerlu pertolongan daripadanya, dia akan membantu kita

4. Jika kita menghulurkan sesuatu kebaikan kepadanya, dia akan menerimanya dengan baik

5. Jika dia mendapat sesuatu kebajikan (bantuan) daripada kamu, dia akan menghargai atau menyebut kebaikan kamu

6. Jika dia melihat sesuatu yang tidak baik daripada kamu, dia akan menutupnya

7. Jika kita meminta bantuan daripadanya, dia akan mengusahakannya

8. Jika kita berdiam diri (kerana malu hendak meminta), dia akan menanyakan kesusahan kamu

9. Jika datang sesuatu bencana menimpa dirimu, dia akan meringankan kesusahan kamu

10. Jika kita merancangkan sesuatu, nescaya dia akan membantu kamu

11. Jika kamu berdua berselisih faham, nescaya dia lebih senang mengalah untuk menjaga kepentingan persahabatan

12. Dia membantumu menunaikan tanggungjawab serta melarang melakukan perkara buruk dan maksiat

13. Dia mendorongmu mencapai kejayaan didunia dan akhirat sbnrnye aku sdr x pasti aku dh jmpe ke x kwn cmni...mustahil rsenye utk bjmpe kwn2 yg prginye sbegini..yela, aku nie kn jahat..hurmm(emo sket)...hurm...bkn ape..cume aku x pnh jmpe n aku doubt yg wujud kwn yg prginye cmni wlupon aku dh cube jd cm kwn yg ade ciri2 nie, tp ssh kot nk jmpe kwn yg rpt cm, ape boley bwat...haaihhh aku dh pnat mncari sbnrnye...sbb ape yg aku dpt dr layann dorg sgt bbeza ape yg ade dlm ciri2 nie...sori laa post kali nie agak dull n pnoh emosi...anyway, tq laa kpade sume yg mnjdi kawan dgn sye yeaa....since long time ago, i am still trying to maintain all the criteria of friendship..smpi ade org ckp kt aku, ade yg plan nk amik ksmptan..xpe laa, kalu 2 niat korg nt korg akn trime balik...hidup nie cm roda kn..dhla..xtaw lg nk smpikn cmne dh nie..xrti nk describe dlm word...hurmmm.....skli lg tq to those out there who proud to say i am friend of u too

i leave~